
Winning the War for Talent: 5 Tips for Recruiting Success

Written by Jordan Lyle | Jun 8, 2022 9:48:35 PM

Recruiting is a battlefield these days. We are working in one of the most competitive job markets to date. With major changes to workplace models and company benefits, potential employees have more leverage than ever. Gone are the days of accepting the first offer that comes their way. Those looking for a career change have options, and with remote work leading many industries, those options now stretch around the world. Recruiters certainly have their work cut out for them, but our team is always up for a challenge. Here’s our top five tips for elevating your recruiting game to win the war for talent.

  1. Keep Your Pipeline Open- Employees are always looking for opportunities for professional growth. If they’re always looking, you should always be accepting. Don’t wait for open positions to accept applications from talented professionals. Always be willing to keep a collection of those who might be a great fit for future positions or to assist in expanding and improving current departments.
  1. Utilize Diverse Network from Existing Team- Your team was chosen for their skillsets, experience and unique professional qualities. Not recognizing and utilizing that is a disadvantage to your recruiting techniques. Ensure your team is aware of all current open positions and provide incentive for them to refer people from their personal network.
  1. Take a Proactive and Personalized Approach to Outreach- People who want a job, have a job. Don’t wait for people to be on the job hunt to search for them. A proactive and personalized approach to your recruiting will allow you to find the best talent for your company’s needs. Getting a direct and personalized message on their LinkedIn profile validates that you already see their potential and initially find them to be a good fit for the position. There are thousands of jobs posted online – you improve your recruiting by seeking out and connecting with the best and most qualified individuals rather than just those who are looking for a role and happen upon your listing. Essentially, you should be pursuing the best talent, not just the talent currently available.
  1. Clearly Define the Employee Value Proposition- Candidates in the market aren't just looking for work; they're looking for work that is interesting and challenging. They want to be in an environment that recognizes and rewards them for the talent and skillset they bring to the table. As a recruiter or organization, it's vital that you clearly articulate what that interesting and challenging work is and how you reward and recognize your teammates (projects, tech-focused organization, company benefits, engagement events, etc.).
  1. Clearly Communicate Your Company’s Values- What’s important to a company should be important to those who work there. A company’s values should be clearly communicated so candidates can ensure their personal values align, and you can feel confident knowing you have the right person in the right seat. There might be several people with the right experience and qualifications, but if they don’t align with your core values as an organization, they will ultimately end up being the wrong fit. Ensuring candidates believe in your company’s mission and align with its values will create less turnover and a stronger overall team.

Okay, now it’s time to put these tips into action. Using these five recruiting tips will help you find the best candidate for the job and fast, so you can get back to business!

Need help with your recruiting efforts? Reach out to our team to find out how we can help.