Design Technik was referred to us by a current client at a time in which the business owner just needed help. He needed bookkeeping and tax help – so we started working with the them on a smaller scale, but we had a lot to clean up and get straightened out for them. Once we got them on solid footing, and the business owner could get back to running his business and not worrying about the details – it gave him time to think strategically and start to really develop more aspects of his business. It took a year or so, but one day he gave us a call and said – here are all the things I have going on, and I have a large amount of money coming into the account from a large project I just finished and I have no idea what to do with it, but I know I want to spend it strategically – can you help? We then began working with DT on a much deeper level – we immediately had a conversation in which he communicated all of the new products and service lines he was starting to offer and the high interest that was being shown. So we got to work on a budget and cash flow projections for the product development and launch. Helped him put together a plan for how funds would be deployed and then started working on helping them secure a line of credit to further provide stability and opportunities for growth.